Why beWater™
Is Better

Sustainability Meets Convenience

Consumers, especially hotel guests, demand convenience. Our aluminum cans provide the easiest way for people to enjoy pure water in a sustainable way with lower lifetime costs than glass bottles or central filtration systems. However, people also want products whose consumption lets them be a part of the sustainability movement.

Enabling The Circular Economy

Sustainability is about environmental resilience and societal well-being, considered in terms of economic and social costs.

At beWater™, we have pioneered the production, distribution, collection, and recycling of our aluminum cans based on optimum circularity, an approach which promotes a scientific and independently verified life-cycle assessment to product development that will achieve a meaningful environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact.

Infinitely Recyclable & Lowest CO2 Emissions

Aluminum is infinitely recyclable and the most collected and recycled FMCG packaging material with 71% of all cans recycled compared with 34% for glass and 40% for plastic (PET). In addition, it has the highest scrap value, requiring less energy, being lightweight, and providing superior product flavor and freshness.

Glass, plastic, and Tetra Pak containers are composite materials which require costly extract processes before their components can be successfully recycled. Aluminum is a mono-material that is easy to sort and recycle as no disassembly is needed.

Crown & ESG Value Chain Partnerships

Crown, one of the world’s largest aluminum packaging companies, and leading environmental advocate, is our strategic partner in taking a truly circular approach to every beWater™ product along with value chain partners that align with our ESG goals.

Regulatory Compliant

Although the move to sustainable alternatives is the right thing to do, countries around the world are increasingly moving to ban single-use plastic. For example, Vietnam, where beWater™ is the official water of the government, will eliminate single-use plastic by 2025.

As beWater™ moves into regional and international markets, it is bringing its model of optimum circularity and ESG to these markets to actively support the global sustainability movement.


We offer custom-branding so you can tell your brand’s sustainability story in an engaging and compelling way. We create custom beWater™ cans for global brands, including leading hotel groups, automotive companies, airlines, fashion groups, and national governments.